Idaho Recognizes Weights & Measures Week

Thursday March 1, 2018

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) kicked off today Weights and Measures week in Idaho as proclaimed by Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter.

Weights and Measures Week is intended to recognize the efforts of dedicated professionals who ensure that all weights and measures meet national standards. Fair inspections help ensure equity in the marketplace and are a vital part of building consumer confidence.

Weights and measures activities have a significant economic impact, reaching into the billions of dollars annually. These efforts range from inspection of all commercial gas pumps in the state to all commercial scales in grocery stores. Each year the ISDA Bureau of Weights and Measures inspects approximately 27,000 devices.

The ISDA Bureau of Weights and Measures makes accuracy determinations for mass, length and volume measurements. The Bureau also investigates consumer complaints about such concerns as fuel octane or the measurement of wood sold by the cord. Consumers or businesses with complaints are encouraged to contact the ISDA at (208) 332-8690 or

Weights and Measures Week is nationally recognized every year to commemorate President John Adams’ signing of the first U.S. weights and measures law in 1799.


Contact:  Chanel Tewalt

March 1, 2018

(208) 332-8500